Top 10 Best HTML5 Websites of 2011

Here are our  Top 10 Best HTML5 Websites of 2011 based on visual artistry, integrated sound, ease of use, and uniqueness. 

1 | The Wilderness Downtown | Arcade Fire 
The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive music video for Arcade Fire’s song “We Used to Wait”. Visitors are asked to input the address of the home they grew up in and then the site uses Google Earth and HTML5 to create a personalized music video that takes the user on a journey back home.

2 | Agent 008 Ball
The Agent008Ball website created by Pixel Labs utilizes HTML5’s canvas techniques to allow users to play a rather precise game of Billiards right on their computer screen. The site was created in conjunction with Microsoft to celebrate the advanced features in its IE9 browser and it does just that.

3 | This Shell
This Shell website is an HTML5 experiment created by Legwork Studios that promotes Gamit’s new album “Parts” in a rather fun and rewarding manner. The website presents fans with a video puzzle that if solved, before the music ends, allows them access to a free mp3 download of the song.

4 | Ben The Bodyguard
The Ben the Bodyguard website is a promo for Nerd Communications iPhone Security App that protects user’s mobile data. The website allows users to take a vertical stroll with Ben through a rather rough neighborhood where he has to fight off several threats in a manner reminiscent of 80s era video games.

5 | Art of Stars
Art of the Stars uses your IP address to draw a picture of the Star constellation directly above you. What is most interesting about this project is that it uses HTML5 to develop an application on the web in a similar manner to those currently built in mobile applications for the Droid and iPhone.

6 | Lost Worlds Fair
The Lost World’s Fair site was developed to showcase the HTML5 capabilities inherent in IE9 by creating interactive posters that take users on a journey to three fabled locales. By using your mouse to scroll down each poster visitors are allowed to uncover further mysteries hidden in each location.

7 | Toyota Prius Projects
The Toyota Prius project celebrates the first 10 years that the Prius has been available by highlighting changes in the world made over that time span and allows users to envision what the next 10 years will bring. This is the best example of how HTML5 can be used to create a more immersive web experience.

Rumpetroll is a Massive Multiplayer experience that allows multiple users to interact and chat as tadpoles in a futuristic pond. Thousands of people can swim around in the environment and chat with each other using HTML5 in a manner that gives us a peek into what the Twitter of the future might look like.

9 | 20 Things I Learned
20ThingsILearned was created by the Google Chrome team and utilizes HTML5 to help to explain to users how the web works. The website works like an interactive children’s eBook that takes visitors on a journey of web basics and uses HTML5 to give a glimpse of what the future of reading may look like.

10 | Looting The Seas |
Looting The Seas is a web book from the people at the Center for Public Integrity that chronicles the destruction of the Ocean by the International Tuna market. The most interesting technological aspect of the site is that it uses HTML5 to create a book similar to a PDF without the use of a plugin.

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